Industry News

Zhangjiakou Economic Development Zone in Hebei continues to fight the blue sky defense war

date:2020-08-20 09:24:09    

  The reporter was informed that from January to June this year, the average concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the Economic Development Zone was 30 micrograms/cubic meter, which was the same as the same period last year; the composite index was 3.66, down 2.4% from the same period last year.

  This year, the Economic Development Zone will closely focus on the key factors affecting the environmental air quality, work hard to control pollution sources, implement "winter disease and summer treatment", resolutely control coal pollution, and continuously improve environmental air quality.

  Speed ​​up the promotion of boiler treatment. The district has formulated a schedule of boiler treatment schedules and detailed work accounts for the implementation of responsibilities, detailed management tasks for each boiler, and clarified the time node and time limit for elimination and renovation. Up to now, all 14 coal-fired boilers in the district have been eliminated, and the low-nitrogen combustion transformation of 14 gas-fired boilers has been completed 9 units, reaching the 60% target by the end of June required by the municipal government. In the next step, the district plans to replace coal-fired boilers with biomass boilers, collect and store 75,000 acres of corn stalks in the entire district, and simultaneously put into production a material fuel processing plant to crush corn stalks into briquettes to make biomass fuel. , Used for heating in biomass boilers, forming a one-stop process for straw collection, storage, briquetting, and use to ensure residential heating while reducing sulfur dioxide emissions.

  At the same time, in order to do a good job in ensuring clean coal in the heating season this winter and next spring, we will start treatment from the source and start the work plan ahead of schedule. The "Zhangjiakou Economic Development Zone 2020-2021 Heating Season Clean Coal Supply Implementation Plan" (draft) has been compiled. It is planned to promote 28560 households with 52,275 tons of clean coal. Carrying out tough actions for the management and control of low-quality bulk coal, severely cracking down on the sales of low-quality bulk coal, dispatched more than 780 inspectors to investigate and deal with 3.5 tons of low-quality bulk coal. (Reporter Shao Junqin, correspondent He Xinyi, Xue Caijun)

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