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"Thirteenth Five-Year" Green Development|Sichuan: Atmospheric pollution control has achieved remarkable results

date:2020-08-21 10:05:46    

Sichuan News Network, Chengdu, August 20th (Photographic report by reporter Lu Yonghong)

Winning the battle to defend the blue sky is a major decision and deployment made by the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is related to the needs of the people for a better life, the building of a well-off society in an all-round way, and the high-quality development and the construction of a beautiful China. Today (20), at a regular press conference of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, "The 13th Five-Year Plan has achieved remarkable results in air pollution control." Zhao Lechen, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Chief Engineer of the Department of Ecology and Environment, pointed out, "We also clearly see that I There are still many shortcomings and problems in the provincial air pollution prevention and control work."

  Conference scene

Speaking of "the 13th Five-Year Plan for air pollution control has achieved remarkable results." Zhao Lechen used 4 "significant" to clarify.

  As the main attack factor for air pollution control-the concentration of PM2.5 has dropped sharply; in addition, the concentration of SO2 and nitrogen oxides has dropped sharply; reflected in the number of good days, all cities in the province have increased significantly; cities that have reached the standard have also increased from the original 3 Increase to 6 until 11 this year. The number of cities in the province has reached more than half, and their number has increased significantly.

  Specifically, "The state has set the province’s '13th Five-Year Plan' goal: The province’s non-compliant cities’ PM2.5 decreased by 18% compared to 2015, and the province’s rate of good days increased by 3.2 percentage points from 2015. As of August 18 , The average concentration of PM2.5 in non-compliant cities in the province was 34.2 micrograms per cubic meter, a decrease of 12.3% year-on-year in 2019, and a decrease of 34.5% from 2015. Among them, the Chengdu plain area decreased by 10.9%, the southern Sichuan area decreased by 11.7%, and the northeastern Sichuan area decreased by 11.7%. 14.1%. The province’s rate of good days was 89.7%, a year-on-year increase of 1.7 percentage points, and an increase of 7.7 percentage points from 2015. In July, Suining, Ya'an, Ziyang, and Neijiang cities in our province entered the top 20 national air quality rankings."

  Since the implementation of the three-year plan to win the blue sky defense, the province has paid close attention to key tasks such as industrial structure adjustment, energy structure optimization, industrial pollution control and emission reduction, dust and mobile source pollution control, and a total of 6 million kilowatts of ultra-low emission transformation of thermal power has been completed. In-depth treatment of 38 households in the cement industry, elimination of 546 small coal-fired boilers, completion of 4,300 gas station oil and gas recovery and transformation, elimination of more than 500,000 old vehicles, sample testing of 6.73 million motor vehicles, and 83,000 non-road mobile machinery registered and recorded. Fully start the ultra-low emission transformation of the steel industry. Accelerate the construction of green construction sites, strictly implement the "six musts and six prohibitions", build an online monitoring information system for dust on construction sites in Sichuan Province, and accelerate the installation of online monitoring on construction sites. Strengthen the city’s “five-burning” management and control, carry out special inspections, site inspections, and unannounced inspections for fireworks and firecrackers and open-air centralized burning of straw. No pollution incidents caused by open burning have occurred. In addition, our province has also successfully built a monitoring platform for the integration of space, earth and air. The province has built a total of 2,750 air quality grid micro-stations, 6 super-stations, 25 lidar navigation vehicles, and 35 sets of remote sensing monitoring and black smoke capturing equipment for motor vehicles. Carry out a variety of navigation and atmospheric particle component analysis to provide scientific and technological support for the prevention and control of air pollution.

  Actively revise the emergency plan for heavy pollution weather, further update the emergency control list, guide enterprises to formulate and improve the "one factory, one policy" plan, 15,000 enterprises are included in the scope of emergency control, and the emergency control measures for heavy pollution weather are clarified, and the people’s livelihood protection and performance Those who have been assessed as green are included in the exemption scope to avoid "one size fits all".

Zhao Lechen pointed out, “While achieving results, we are also clearly aware that there are still many shortcomings and problems in the prevention and control of air pollution in our province.”

  One is the unstable air quality. The environmental air quality of some cities fluctuates and is restricted by meteorological conditions. Solving the problems of PM2.5 in winter and ozone pollution in summer will be a protracted battle.

  The second is the pressure of industrial restructuring. Traditional industries account for a large proportion, and the relocation of heavily polluting enterprises in some cities is difficult. The layout of factories in cities affects air quality improvement.

  The third is the prominent mobile source pollution. The province has 17.52 million motor vehicles, and Chengdu has 5.79 million vehicles, ranking second in the country. Motor vehicle emissions have become an important source of air pollution in key cities in the province.

  Fourthly, technological support needs to be further strengthened. Atmospheric environmental scientific research and technical equipment are mainly concentrated in the Chengdu Plain. The southern and northeastern Sichuan regions lack talents and technical means. The monitoring of volatile organic compounds pollution sources is generally weak. Compared with the requirements for precise control and scientific gas treatment, there is still greater gap.

Regarding this year's ozone issue, Zhao Lechen said that "preliminary results have been achieved" in the near future.

  Affected by the increase in pollution emissions due to extreme adverse weather, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Fenwei Plain, and Chengdu-Chongqing regions have encountered regional ozone pollution this year. An important constraint on quality improvement. In response, the governor gave instructions immediately, and Vice Governor Hong Bo held a special meeting to analyze the situation of ozone pollution and deploy ozone pollution prevention and control work. The province implements the "Sichuan Province Ozone Pollution Prevention and Control Program", formulates volatile organic compounds control technical manuals, law enforcement manuals, monitoring programs and on-site inspection points; organizes ozone pollution prevention and control assistance video training (about 4,000 participants in two sessions), Strengthen the publicity of relevant standards, policies and work requirements. Invite Academicians Zhang Yuanhang and He Kebin to come to Sichuan for guidance and ask for medical consultation; actively monitor and consult, release daily forecasts of ozone pollution for the next 3-7 days, collect local work trends, push ozone pollution prevention and control trends, and put forward management and control recommendations for each city; Carry out the air pollution prevention and control assistance and guidance in key cities, led by 5 department leaders, and carry out a three-month resident assistance and guidance to 10 key cities including Chengdu, Deyang and Meishan. The assistance and guidance team sent policies, technologies, and plans to enterprises to help localities improve the level of ozone pollution prevention and control. Since July 7, there have been 483 inspection points in 10 cities, and 1095 problems have been found, and the province has a total of inspection points 21041, 388 sailings; increased environmental law enforcement, in the past month, a total of 63 cases of ozone pollution have been filed in the province, with 10 penalties and a fine of 260,000 yuan.

  After hard work, from July 18 to August 18, the ozone concentration in the province was 129.5 micrograms per cubic meter, which exceeded the standard for 22 days, and there were 2 cities that exceeded the standard, a decrease of 16.7% and 75% from May 18 to June 18. %, 80%, and achieved initial results.

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