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Work hard! To resolutely win the battle against pollution, contribute "Jining Plan"!

date:2020-09-04 09:44:27    

  To show the demeanor of the ecological and environmental protection iron army

  play a typical exemplary role

  Gather strength, stimulate fighting spirit, and take responsibility

  Help win the battle against pollution

  Jining City Ecological Environment Bureau

  Environmental protection iron army fights hard

  guarding the blue water and blue sky of Jining

  Jining is a “2+26” channel city in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and an important water delivery trunk city for the east route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. The Jining Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau thoroughly implements Xi Jinping’s ecological civilization thought, resolutely shoulders the political responsibility of ecological environmental protection, unswervingly fights the battle of pollution prevention and control, insists on precise pollution control, scientific pollution control, and pollution control according to law, and builds an environmental supervision "skynet". Care for the ecological homeland with heart, and coordinate to promote high-quality economic development and high-level protection of the ecological environment. Won the honorary title of Advanced Collective of Shandong Province Ecological Environment System in 2019.

  Explore the "Jining Plan" to win the battle against air pollution. Innovate the "3+4+5" green management and control model in autumn and winter to minimize the accumulation of pollution in autumn and winter and the impact on enterprise production and operation. Innovate the governance model of air pollution guidelines to provide support for precise management and control. Create a "Internet + grid" smart environmental protection platform, and establish a new environmental protection supervision model of "online clairvoyance monitoring and offline grid member linkage". In 2019, the city's average concentrations of PM2.5, PM10, SO2 (sulfur dioxide), and NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) decreased by 34.1%, 37.6%, 70.2%, and 19.4% respectively from 2015. The comprehensive air quality index improved by 31.4%, and the number of days of heavy pollution Reduce 24 days.

  Continue to deepen the pollution control system of the river basin with "Governance and Protection". Actively carry out the construction of Nansi Lake natural wetland restoration and artificial wetland ecological restoration projects. At present, the city has completed 64 artificial wetlands, with an area of ​​314,000 acres of constructed and restored wetlands. The annual average water quality of the 18 nationally controlled sections all reached Class III surface water quality standards. All surface water assessment sections above provincial control reached the standard, and the excellent rate of state-controlled sections reached 100%, exceeding the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" mission objectives. Excellent water bodies accounted for 1/3 of the province, the most among the 16 cities.

  Adhere to both the symptoms and root causes to promote the "four reductions and four increases". Reduce backward production capacity and increase new momentum. Shut down and rectify 2,069 "scattered and polluted" enterprises, reduce coal consumption and increase clean energy use. More than 6,000 boilers of less than 10 steam tons in the city have been banned or replaced with clean energy sources. All coal-fired boilers with more than 10 steam tons have completed ultra-low emission transformation, and 25 coal-fired boilers of less than 35 steam tons have been eliminated with a total of 469.5 tons. Reduce road transportation and increase railway transportation. A total of 11,349 diesel trucks operated by China III have been eliminated. The proportion of new energy or clean energy buses reached 98.5%. Reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and increase the use of organic fertilizers. The comprehensive utilization rate of livestock and poultry manure in the city and the supporting rates of manure treatment facilities for large-scale farms reached 87.7% and 99.4%, respectively, exceeding the national and provincial mission targets.

  The road is obstructive and long, and the line must come. The Jining City Ecological and Environmental Protection Iron Army will cherish honor, continue to work hard, strive for the day, work hard, resolutely win the battle against pollution, and submit a qualified answer to the party and the people.

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