Industry News

Dingxi City launches special inspection work for comprehensive renovation of coal-fired boilers

date:2020-09-15 09:54:38    

  This year is the final year of the three-year action plan to win the battle to defend the blue sky. From June to September, it is an important time for air pollution prevention and control work to focus on "Winter Disease and Summer Treatment". In order to ensure the successful completion of the 2020 Longxi County coal-fired boiler elimination and renovation task, on September 9, the Longxi Branch of the Dingxi City Ecological Environment Bureau united the County Market Supervision Bureau, Shouyang Town Dujiangneng Real Estate Development Company, Ziyang Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., Wang Xianglin Special inspection was carried out on the comprehensive renovation of 3 coal-fired boilers in the heating room.

  The on-site inspection found that Jiangneng Real Estate Development Company had completed the boiler cancellation procedures, Ziyang Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and Wang Xianglin heating houses failed to carry out comprehensive rectification as required by the renovation, and the boiler cancellation procedures had not been completed. Seized.

  The inspectors pointed out that the elimination of small coal-fired boilers is a political task and a key task of the blue sky defense war. As the main body of environmental protection, enterprises must fully understand the necessity and urgency of coal-fired boiler renovation and plan early. Invert the construction period, increase capital investment, formulate feasible clean energy transformation plans, and complete the task of renovating coal-fired boilers on time and with high quality.

  Inspectors emphasized that the heating period will begin in late October. The county's coal-fired heating method cannot be changed in the short term, and the air pollution prevention and control situation will become more severe. In order to fully complete the county's coal-fired boiler renovation and resolutely win the battle to defend the blue sky, the ecological environment department will earnestly perform its comprehensive supervision responsibilities, relevant functional departments must fully perform the responsibilities of industry supervisors, and all townships must strictly implement territorial management responsibilities and work together. , To work together to resolutely do a good job in air pollution prevention and control work focusing on "compression of coal, dust reduction, emission reduction, and smoke removal" to protect the blue sky of Longxi.

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