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Xiqing District: Deepen the coal-to-combustion governance to "lighten the burden" of the sky and help win the "Blue Sky Defense"

date:2020-09-23 10:37:50    

  Since the launch of the three-year battle for pollution prevention and control, Xiqing District has actively practiced the development concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", focusing on "five controls", scientific prevention, joint prevention and joint control, and continuous improvement of air quality. Among them, the "coal control" or coal-to-combustion project is a key project in Xiqing District to win the battle to defend the blue sky. This winter, the centralized heating of lump coal will be zeroed out, that is, the centralized heating of natural gas boilers will be fully implemented.

  In Tianjin Ruicheng Heating Power Co., Ltd., here is the task of central heating in Zhangjiawo Town. The 120-meter chimney and coal gallery have been standing here for eight years. This winter, he will end his work mission. Also in the winter of this year, the Xiqing block coal central heating will also become history.

  In Ruicheng Thermal Power Company, four 70-megawatt gas-fired hot water boilers stood quietly. The project started in June this year. With three months of intensive construction, the assembly has been basically completed, and it is now in the debugging stage such as hydraulic and pneumatic tests. It is expected to be completed and put into use before heating. This year is the closing year for Xiqing District to win the battle to defend the blue sky. Xiqing District continues to promote coal-to-fuel projects. Before the heating period this winter, all five heating companies in the district will realize gas heating.

  District Development and Reform Commission Energy and Urban Development Section Xiong Minhao said: “As the district’s energy authority, we adhere to green development and optimize energy consumption structure. This year, we will follow the district’s pollution prevention and control battle headquarters’ requirements and work with the district’s ecological environment bureau and the district urban management committee. , District Housing and Construction Committee and other departments, make every effort to promote the conversion of coal-fired boilers and heat source replacement of 5 heating companies in our district, deepen the management of coal-fired boiler facilities, control the total coal consumption, increase the proportion of clean energy consumption such as natural gas, and continue to improve the energy structure To effectively reduce pollutant emissions from coal-fired boilers."

  In recent years, Tianjin has renovated the original coal-fired boilers and used clean energy, namely natural gas as fuel, so as to achieve a win-win situation of energy saving, emission reduction and economic benefit improvement, which is more conducive to the formation of a low-carbon, energy-saving and healthy living environment. An important part of winning the battle against the blue sky. Xiqing District has accelerated the promotion of coal-to-combustion campaigns, focusing on the "five controls". PM2.5 has dropped from 63 micrograms per cubic meter in 2017 to 52 micrograms per cubic meter now. Significant results have been achieved, and the blue sky and white clouds have also increased day by day.

  Huang Jiangyue, deputy director of the Xiqing District Ecological Environment Bureau, said: “2020 is the final year of the three-year battle of pollution prevention and control, so this year we will focus more on scientific prevention and control, prevention and control according to law, and precise prevention and control, especially around the monitoring points of Huaxu Primary School. The five towns were brought in for joint prevention and control, and a dispatch meeting was held every day. The upwind construction site companies were called together to let the construction site work together to arrange construction based on weather conditions, train inspectors, unify standards, and conduct precise dispatch and command."

  Xiqing District strictly followed the accuracy of the problem, time, location, object, and measures to fight the blue sky defense battle. Under the adverse weather conditions at the beginning of the year, through the joint prevention and control of air pollution, the environmental air quality of Xiqing District was achieved. Significantly improved. As of September 16, 2020, the comprehensive index of ambient air quality in Xiqing District was 5.06, an improvement of 6.3% year-on-year; PM2.5 concentration dropped from 119μg/m3 at the beginning of the year to 52μg/m3, and the situation of PM2.5 rising instead of falling was gradually improved.

  Huang Jiangyue said: “Affected by the heavy pollution weather in January and the impact of external input, we are still catching up. Next, we will carry out the autumn and winter pollution prevention and control battles according to the unified deployment of the city to see which projects need to reduce emissions. , Implement Tianjin’s new standards for boiler emissions and gas-fired boilers, and upgrade and manage boiler manufacturers that cannot implement the new standards. In addition, we have carried out three years of waste prevention and treatment and green network replacement projects to ensure the completion of the tough task. "

  Air pollution is the result of years of accumulation. The treatment of environmental pollution is difficult to cure and has an immediate effect. There will be twists and turns in the process. The battle to defend the blue sky is a big battle, a tough battle, and a hard battle. It is not a short-term one overnight. In the days when there are more blue sky and white clouds, we will not be complacent and relax, and we will not lose confidence and change our course when heavy pollution weather strikes. We must always maintain our determination to strengthen the construction of ecological and environmental protection, roll up our sleeves and work hard, sweat hard work, and believe that we will eventually usher in more blue sky, white clouds, green water and green mountains.

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