Industry News

UAE will build its first waste + solar power project

date:2020-08-05 14:19:40    

  According to S&P Global Platts, Sharjah, the third largest emirate of the UAE, recently announced plans to build the UAE’s first power station combining waste-to-energy and solar power.

  Beeah, a waste management and renewable energy company in Sharjah, said in a statement that the company plans to transform a 47-hectare landfill, capping the landfilled waste, and then install solar photovoltaic panels on it. , Making the garbage dump a comprehensive power station with both garbage and solar power.

  It is estimated that after the project is completed, it will not only be able to process 300,000 tons of non-recyclable waste, but also generate more than 42 megawatts of electricity through landfill waste and solar energy.

  It is reported that the project will be implemented by a joint venture between Beeah and Abu Dhabi clean energy company Masdar, and will be launched in two phases in 2021. In the first phase, a 27-hectare landfill will be transformed into a solar power plant with an installed capacity of 24 megawatts. In the second phase, a 20-hectare waste landfill will be transformed and 16 megawatts of solar power generation facilities will be installed.

  It is understood that the UAE currently relies mainly on natural gas and hydroelectric power generation, and the country is incorporating renewable energy and nuclear energy into its energy structure.

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