The harm to the boiler when the water in the boiler is full and the solution

date:2020-10-21 15:13:13

  When we are burning the boiler, we must pay attention to the amount of water stored in the boiler. If the water in the boiler is too much, the steam will carry a lot of water, which will cause water hammer in the steam pipeline, reduce the steam quality, and affect the normal steam supply. It will cause fouling of the superheater tube and damage the steam equipment.

  During boiler operation, the phenomenon that the boiler water level is higher than the highest safe water level and endangers the safe operation of the boiler is called a full water accident. Flooding accidents can be divided into two types: slight flooding and severe flooding. If the water level exceeds the maximum allowable water level line but is lower than the upper visible edge of the water level gauge, or the water level exceeds the upper visible edge of the water level gauge, but the water level drop can be seen quickly after the water level gauge's discharge cock is turned on, it belongs to Slightly full of water. If the water level exceeds the visible edge of the upper part of the water level gauge, when the drain cock is opened and the water level does not drop in the water level gauge, it is considered to be seriously full.

  In the event of full or lack of water, the water level is almost invisible in the water level gauge. However, in the case of full water, the boiler water can be discharged from the water level meter discharge pipe, and the water shortage accident cannot be discharged from the water level gauge discharge pipe.

  1. The phenomenon that the boiler is full of water

  (1) The water level is higher than the maximum allowable line, or the water level is not visible, and the color inside the glass tube (plate) of the water level gauge is dark.

  (2) The two-color water level gauge shows all the water phase indication colors.

  (3) High and low water level alarms generate high water level alarm signals.

  (4) The temperature of superheated steam has dropped significantly.

  (5) The feedwater flow rate is abnormally greater than the steam flow rate.

  (6) A large amount of water is stored in the sub-cylinder, and the steam trap acts violently.

  (7) In severe cases, the steam contains a lot of water and the salt content increases, water hammer sound occurs in the steam pipe, and steam drips from the connecting flange.

  2. The reason why the boiler is full of water

  (1) The boiler crew is negligent, does not monitor the water level enough, makes mistakes in judgment and operation, or violates the post responsibility system and leaves without authorization.

  (2) The installation location of the water level gauge is unreasonable.

  (3) The soda connection pipe is blocked, forming a false water level.

  (4) The water discharge cock of the water level meter leaks, causing the water level in the water level meter to be lower than the actual water level, forming a false water level.

  (5) The lighting of the water level gauge is poor, and the water level gauge cannot be seen clearly. The two-color water level gauge is malfunctioning and the color display is wrong.

  (6) The automatic water supply regulator failed. The boiler staff did not pay attention to monitoring the water level and relied on the automatic regulator.

  (7) High and low water level alarm Luo Zhuling, no bell and light signal.

  (8) The feed water pressure suddenly increased, and the water inlet speed increased, but the furnace staff did not notice the negligence.

  3. Treatment of full boiler water

  (1) Rinse the water level gauge, check whether there is a false water level, and determine whether it is slightly full or severely full.

  (2) If it is slightly full of water, the combustion should be reduced, the automatic water supply regulator should be changed to manual, the water supply valve should be partially or completely closed, the water supply should be reduced or stopped, and the economizer recirculation pipe valve or bypass flue should be opened. If necessary, open the drain valve to release a small amount of pot water, and open the steam pipe and the steam trap valve on the superheater at the same time to speed up the drain, and resume normal operation after the water level drops to the normal level.

  (3) If it is seriously full of water, emergency shutdown of the furnace should be done, the water supply should be stopped, the water should be released quickly, and the drainage should be accelerated. After the water level returns to normal, the pipelines and valves can be used after inspection. After the cause is found and eliminated, the operation can be resumed .

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