The key to energy-saving heating of gas-fired boilers

date:2021-12-23 09:03:45

  As we all know, the two efficiencies of coal-fired heating and heating systems (ie, boiler efficiency and pipe network transmission efficiency) are the keys to energy conservation. The energy saving of gas boiler heating should also follow this principle.

  1. Increase the efficiency of gas boilers. The efficiency mentioned here is not the rated efficiency of a single boiler, but the seasonal efficiency of the boiler group. In order to increase seasonal efficiency, efforts must be made from three aspects.

  (1) Try to reduce the number of starts and stops and standby time of each boiler during the heating period. Because every time the boiler starts and stops, it must be purged, which consumes gas. During the standby time, the boiler is quite a large radiator and also loses heat.

  (2) In order to increase the seasonal efficiency of the boiler group (group), the selection and configuration of the design is also very important. The following two points should be considered when selecting: one is to make the combination of boilers have better variable load adjustment capabilities; the other is boilers The output is matched with the low load as much as possible. At the same time, it should be noted that: gas-fired boilers should not be operated under full load conditions, because the exhaust gas temperature is high at this time, and the heat loss is large, but it consumes more gas; the faults of gas-fired boilers are generally non-mechanical failures, and repairs are simpler than coal-fired boilers. For some, consider using boilers without equipment.

Gas boiler

  (3) To increase the average operating efficiency of each boiler. For this reason, the proportional adjustment burner is selected and the manufacturer's debugging work is required to be standardized and based on the test report. Only in this way can the average operating efficiency of the boiler be close to the rated efficiency under 30% to 100% load conditions.

  2. Increase the transmission efficiency of the pipe network. There are three factors that affect the transmission efficiency of the pipe network, namely, heat loss caused by insulation, leakage and hydraulic imbalance (while in foreign countries, it is basically insulation loss). Among them, the heat loss caused by the horizontal imbalance of the external pipe network and the vertical imbalance of the heating system is considerable. The horizontal imbalance of the external pipe network and the vertical imbalance of the indoor heating system account for a large proportion of heat loss and need to be improved. Nowadays, "coal-to-gas", the cost of gas is high, and it is important to reduce heat loss from pipeline network imbalance. In order to reduce the heat loss of the pipe network, a hydraulic balance system and a room temperature control system should be adopted.

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