How to conduct overheater and reheater maintenance for environmental protection boilers

date:2022-01-06 09:09:16

  Maintenance of environmental protection boiler superheater and reheater:

  1) Replace the damaged superheater and reheater tubes of the environmental protection boiler.

  2) Check and repair the parts such as the support and hanger, comb card and splint of the superheater.

  3) Adjustment of the gap between the superheater tubes.

  4) Repair the anti-wear protection iron to make it intact.

  5) After all the work is completed, carefully check the gap between the superheater tube and the lower elbow. If there are bricks and debris, clean up to prevent the flue gas channel from blocking the flue gas channel, forming a vortex, and aggravating the wear of the tube.

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