Summary of boiler room design requirements

date:2020-07-21 16:59:53


1. The layout of the boiler room

(1) Location selection

1) The choice of the location of the boiler room should be determined after analyzing the following factors: (omitted)
2) The boiler room should be an independent building. ;
3) When the boiler room is connected with other buildings or installed inside it, it is strictly prohibited to install it on the upper floor, the next floor, the adjacent location of the crowded places and important departments, as well as the main passages and evacuation openings. And should be set on the first floor or the basement floor near the outer wall of the building;  
4) It is not advisable to set up a boiler room in residential buildings;
5) Boiler houses using pulverized coal boilers should not be set up in residential areas, scenic spots and other major environmental protection areas;
6) Boiler rooms with circulating fluidized bed boilers should not be installed in residential areas.

(2) Layout of buildings, structures and sites

1) The elevation of the indoor bottom floor of the boiler room building and the top elevation of the structure foundation should be 0.15m or more higher than the outdoor floor or surrounding floor.  
2) The floor elevation of the boiler room and the auxiliary room on the same floor should be the same.


2. Arrangement of boiler room, auxiliary room and living room

(1) The setting of the entrance and exit of the boiler room must meet the following requirements:

1) There should be no less than 2 entrances and exits. However, for an independent boiler room, when the total length of the walkway in front of the furnace is less than 12m and the total construction area is less than 2002m, one entrance and exit can be set.  
2) For a non-independent boiler room, its personnel entrance must have a direct access to the outdoors;  
3) When the boiler room is arranged in multiple floors, there should be no less than 2 personnel entrances and exits on each floor. Personnel entrances and exits on the floors should have safety stairs leading directly to the ground.  
(2) The door of the boiler room leading to the outdoors should be opened to the outside, and the door of the working or living room in the boiler room that directly leads to the boiler room should be opened to the boiler room.  
(3) The clearance height of the boiler operation site and passage should not be less than 2m, and should meet the requirements of the lifting equipment operating height. Above the drum, economizer and other heat-generating parts, the headroom can be 0.7m when there is no need to operate and pass.


3, civil engineering requirements

(1) The fire hazard classification and fire resistance grade of the boiler room should meet the following requirements:


1) The boiler room should belong to Category D production plant, when the rated evaporation capacity of a single steam boiler is greater than 4t/h or the rated thermal power of a single hot water boiler is greater than 2.8Mw. The boiler room building should not be lower than the second-class fire resistance rating; when the rated evaporation capacity of a single steam boiler is less than 4t/h or the rated thermal power of a single hot water boiler is less than or equal to 2.8Mw, the boiler room building should not be less than the third-class fire resistance rating .    
Boiler rooms located in other buildings. The fire resistance level of the boiler room shall not be lower than the second fire resistance level:  
2) The heavy oil tank room, oil pump room, oil heater and light diesel oil tank room and oil pump room should belong to Category C production plants, and their buildings should not be lower than Class II fire resistance. When the above rooms are arranged in the auxiliary rooms of the boiler room , A firewall should be set up to be separated from other rooms;
3) The gas pressure regulating room should be a Class A production plant, and its building should not be lower than the second fire resistance level. The pressure regulating room adjacent to the boiler room should be separated from the boiler room by a firewall, and its doors and windows should be opened outward and not It should lead directly to the boiler room, and the floor should be a non-sparking floor.
4) The external wall, floor or roof of the boiler room should have corresponding explosion-proof measures. And there should be a pressure relief area equivalent to 10% of the boiler room's floor space. The pressure relief direction should not be toward places, rooms and pedestrian passages where people gather, and pressure relief locations should not be adjacent to these places. When the underground boiler room adopts the shaft explosion relief method, the net cross-sectional area of ​​the shaft should meet the pressure relief area requirements.  When the pressure relief area cannot meet the above requirements, it can be supplemented by laying metal explosive pressure relief panels on the inner wall and top (ceiling) of the boiler room.

Note:The pressure relief area can include areas such as glass windows, skylights, lightweight roofs with a mass of less than or equal to 120kg/m2, and weak walls.

5) The partition wall between the boiler room of oil and gas boiler rooms and the adjacent auxiliary room should be a firewall; the door opened on the partition wall should be a Class A fire door; a large glass observation window opened toward the boiler operation surface, Fixed windows with anti-explosion capability should be used.  
(2) When the boiler room is arranged in multiple floors, measures to adapt to settlement shall be taken at the joint between the boiler foundation and the floor.  
(3) The boiler room should reserve an installation hole that can pass the largest piece of equipment to be transported. The installation hole can be combined with door and window holes or non-load-bearing walls.  
(4) The column distance and span of the boiler room and the height from the indoor floor to the top of the column should meet the requirements of the current national standard "Factory Building Modulus Coordination Standard" GB50006, provided that the process requirements are met.  
(5) Vibration isolation measures should be taken when equipment with high vibration such as coal mills, blowers, and water pumps are installed in the boiler room.
(6) Protective railings should be installed around equipment lifting holes, ash slag pools and elevated platforms.

(7) Settlement joints should be set at the junction of chimney and flue.  
(8) The window area of the external wall of the boiler room should not only meet the pressure relief requirements, but also meet the ventilation and lighting requirements.  
(9) When the boiler room is adjacent to other buildings, the adjacent wall should be a firewall.  
(10) The design of sanitary facilities in the living room of the boiler room shall comply with the relevant provisions of the current national occupational sanitation standard "Design Sanitary Standard for Industrial Enterprises" GBZ1.  
(11) Non-flammable non-slip materials should be used for platforms and escalators. The width of the operating platform shall not be less than 800mm, and the width of the escalator shall not be less than 600mm. The clear height of the platform and escalator shall not be less than 2m. The gradient of frequently used steel ladders should not be greater than 45º.  
(12) The live load on the floor, ground and roof of the boiler room shall be determined according to the load requirements for installation and maintenance of process equipment, and may also be determined in accordance with Table 8.2.


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