The hazards of boiler water shortage?

date:2020-08-11 14:30:55

  When the water level in the pot is lower than the minimum allowable water level, it is called lack of water in the pot. It is divided into slight water shortage and severe water shortage.

  Slight water shortage: When the boiler water level disappears from the glass tube (plate) water level gauge, use the method of flushing the water level gauge and "calling water", and the water level can reappear, which is called slight water shortage.

  Serious water shortage: When the water level in the pot still cannot appear in the glass tube (plate) water level gauge after using the flushing water level gauge and "calling water", it is called severe water shortage.

  When there is a serious lack of water in the pot, it will cause the furnace tube blasting accident. In the case that the furnace tube or drum is burning red, if the treatment is wrong and a large amount of water is filled, a large amount of steam will be generated when the water contacts the burning furnace tube or drum. As the steam pressure suddenly increases, it will cause a boiler explosion accident. Especially when the pressure is high and the water volume is large, the shell-type boiler is more powerful when it explodes. Therefore, when the pot is seriously short of water, it is strictly forbidden to pour water into the pot, and emergency shutdown measures should be taken.

  There are many reasons for the lack of water in the pot. According to the statistical data analysis of the national labor department, about 70% of them are mainly caused by the loose labor discipline and misoperation of the operators. For example, forgetting to supply water for a long time; forgetting to close the drain valve or not closing tightly after draining; the water level gauge is not flushed on time, causing the water level gauge cock to be blocked, forming a false water level and so on.

  The remaining 30% is due to equipment defects or other failures. If the water supply equipment suddenly fails, or the water supply is suddenly interrupted, the water supply is stopped. Therefore, in order to prevent water shortage accidents in the boiler, the key is to strengthen the education of boiler operators in observing labor discipline. As long as the operators have a high sense of responsibility and master the operation techniques, even if equipment failure occurs, the boiler can be completely eliminated in time. Internal water shortage accident.

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