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Henan: Accelerate the relocation of heavily polluting enterprises. Before the end of the year, the coal-fired generating

date:2020-05-12 14:06:13    

On April 23, the video and teleconference of Henan province's pollution prevention and control work announced the situation of the province's environmental quality since the beginning of this year, and deployed the key work of this year's pollution prevention and control work.

A number of indicators fell across the country

Since the beginning of this year, various pollution indicators of our province's atmospheric environment have dropped significantly. Monitoring shows that as of April 22, the province's average concentrations of PM10, PM2.5, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide decreased by 27.1%, 22.8%, 25.0%, 3.8%, 9.5%, and 28.6% year-on-year respectively. In the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and surrounding areas, the top 5 pollutant indicators all fell in the top 3, and the drop in sulfur dioxide ranked 4th. Among them, in January, Henan Province was the only province in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and the surrounding areas that had a decrease in PM2.5 concentration; in February, our province had the largest PM2.5 concentration drop in the country and the second largest PM10 concentration drop in the country.

The quality of the water environment has also stabilized and improved. In the first quarter, among the 94 surface water sections in our province, 24 sections with more than three types of water quality increased by 24, reaching 71, accounting for 75.5%, which was higher than the target of 57.4% required by the state; Of the four, only two, accounting for 2.1%, have reached the national target of less than 9.6%.

Structural pollution remains prominent

Although our province's environmental quality, especially air quality, has not improved significantly, due to the large amount of pollution, the absolute numerical ranking of atmospheric environmental quality indicators still lags behind other provinces and cities.

Wang Zhongtian, director of the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, said that the province’s PM10, PM2.5, and excellent days are still ranked low in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and surrounding areas. Since entering April, the concentration of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide in some cities has not decreased but increased.

According to analysis, the industrial layout and structural pollution problems in our province are still outstanding. In the province's thermal power, foundry, carbon, cement, refractory, coking, steel, electrolytic aluminum and other industries, more than 76% of the enterprises are distributed in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei air pollution transmission channel cities and Fenwei Plain urban areas. The phenomenon of siege by heavily polluting enterprises is still outstanding, which severely restricts the improvement of urban ambient air quality.

The transportation structure also needs to be optimized. The province's road freight volume accounts for 90.2%, 12 percentage points higher than the national average; the bulk cargo rail transportation rate is not high, only 4.1%. The number of motor vehicles is increasing year by year, and it has now reached 21 million units; the number of non-road construction machinery is more than 200,000 units, and the number of agricultural machinery is more than 150,000 units. According to statistics, in 2019, the province's motor vehicle nitrogen oxide emissions reached 445,000 tons, accounting for 45.5% of the province's total nitrogen oxide emissions.

Speeding up structural optimization and adjustment is imperative

This year is the decisive year for the three-year battle against pollution. Under the impact of the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic, and under the challenge of extremely uncertain world economic development, to turn crises into opportunities, we must never go to projects with backward production capacity, and we must accelerate structural optimization and adjustment. The meeting deployed this.

——Solve the problem of “coal power siege”. Accelerate the optimization and upgrading of coal-fired power units, and promote the shutdown and integration of coal-fired boilers and backward coal-fired small thermal power plants within a heating radius of 300,000 kilowatts or more of combined heat and power units. Before the end of the year, the coal-fired generating units in Zhengzhou City and Luoyang City's main urban areas were "zeroed" and basically "zeroed".

—— Accelerate the relocation and transformation of heavily polluting enterprises in urban built-up areas. Promote the transfer of heavily polluting enterprises in urban built-up areas to towns with good resource endowments, strong environmental carrying capacity, excellent atmospheric diffusion conditions, and convenient rail transportation to industrial parks to free up environmental space for transformation and development.

—— Carry out upgrade and transformation of traditional industrial clusters. Carry out comprehensive renovation of industries such as casting, bricks and tiles, ceramics, refractory materials, carbon, chemicals, packaging and printing.

In addition, strictly control the total coal consumption, eliminate backward production capacity, and accelerate the implementation of "dual replacement"; accelerate the promotion of coal-fueled livestock and poultry farming, flue-cured tobacco, edible fungus production and other agricultural production of clean energy alternatives; accelerate large industrial and mining enterprises and logistics parks Construction of special railway lines; increase the elimination of old cars and continue to optimize urban transportation.

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